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Hop-R™ 5 Pack
Hop-R™ 5 Pack
Hop-R™ 5 Pack

How to choose the correct Hop-R™ Jig ?

When retrieved with a jigging motion, the Hop-R™ jig is designed to perform a reverse circular loop and glide to the bottom, landing with the hook pointing upwards. The jig's weight determines the speed of this descent.

For best results, follow these guidelines:

 Warm Water:

Start with a heavy jig. If needed, move to lighter jigs to check slower speeds. 

Cold Water:

Start with a light jig and increase the pause between hops.

Clear Water or Bright Sky:

Choose light colors:  Light colors, White, Yellow.

Stained Water or Dark Sky:

Choose dark colors: Red, Yellow.

Pro Tip1:  Add a minnow, worm, soft plastic or teaser for more flash and change the sinking rate.

Pro Tip 2: Slip on your favorite soft plastic minnow or grub. Cast out and reel in. The Hop-R™ Jig will not get hung up on rocks or stumps, it bounces over with the hook always facing up!

I will typically fish all sizes of Hop-R Jigs with corresponding colors for sky and water color, at each fishing spot on structure. By doing this, I check all speeds to thoroughly fish from a casting position on structure. At times, I will add a teaser to check different rates of fall for each jig size.

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About Us

Jim McDonald

Structure Fisherman

I am an R&D Engineer and seasoned fisherman (30+yrs) that has been educated in the teachings of Buck Perry, the Father of Structure Fishing. I could not find a jig to perform to my standards, so I developed my own using inspiration from Buck Perry SJ Spoonplugs from long ago. Toss my Hop-R™ jig into or near a school of fish, and it will catch fish fast!  With these tools in your arsenal, you can inflict the classic "How do you like them apples?" on your pals.